Ztrack Magazine November / December 2024
November / December Volume 30 #6, Get This Issue Now!
In this issue
A Weekend Build The Barn Module, Landis’ Going to Town, New AZL rolling stock announced, Weed’s custom SHORTY builds, Layout design 101... the angle, Märklin’s 2025 Insider Model, Quick filing solves plow issues, Buffer cars add realism and so much more!
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November / December 2024 Digital
November / December 2024 Volume 30 #6 | Digital IssueIn this issueA Weekend Build The Barn Module, L..
November / December 2024 Print
November / December 2024 Volume 30 #6 | Print IssueIn this issueA Weekend Build The Barn Module, Lan..

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As November shows up here at Ztrack, so do another couple of freshly digitized Ztrack back issues.
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Trackside Perspective | From The November / 2024 Issue
I am getting that itch again …
It has been going on a year since I last worked on a layout. In the spring of last year, I wrapped up the build of my T-Trak-Z end-cap module. As soon as that build ended, I suddenly found myself moving the house and Ztrack office to an all-new property. As part of this, my larger layouts were taken apart and stored.In the new space, I have room for a large Z scale layout that rivaled what I had before. I am running trains on the T-Trak-Z modules I have been creating. We are using these for test running of all AZL new locomotives. While these layouts are filling a need, my mind is already on, “What is next?”
My current thoughts are to build out my US layouts. I have an 8' Z-Bend-Track layout that I exhibited at the National Train Show in 2005. I am thinking I want to update this layout by replacing the track, updating the scenes, and adding more details. I rebuilt the tunnel portal in 2018. But there is so much more I want to do to bring it up to my current standards.
On top of this, I want to figure out how I can integrate the Z-Bend-Track modules for use with T-Trak-Z modules. On paper it should be simple, but it comes down to the track plan.
That is where my mind is churning. I have almost a blank slate to work with. I have so many thoughts on modules and scenes I want to create, but how do they work in with the current layout and modules? That will be the challenge and the fun. The creation of an integrated layout with multiple scenes that have a natural flow. Likely I won’t be doing too much until after model train season is done. Oh, it is going to be fun once I can start building out the track plan. More to come!
Robert Kluz, Ztrack Editor
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